Hosted by the beloved Tiffany Spurway, 'Am I the One: Dating Show' captivates audiences with its unique blend of humour, romance, and heartfelt moments. The charming Ian Mu and the charismatic Esky Escandor, two comedians whose contrasting styles promise a dynamic and entertaining viewing experience. The show culminates in a thrilling season finale where Ian and Esky go head-to-head in a split bill stand-up comedy showdown, each delivering their best performances in the name of love.

This finale is not just about laughter; it's a rollercoaster of emotions. Both Ian and Esky lay their hearts on the stage, sharing personal stories and comedic takes on their search for love and independence. Their performances are as much about their comedic prowess as they are about their genuine desire to connect and move out of their mum’s house.

The show's format allows viewers to see a different side of the dating world, one where humour and vulnerability go hand in hand.

'Am I the One' is not just a dating show - it's actually not a dating show at all. Actually, it's just two comedians doing a split bill.